Ok, I promise to start posting on current adventures of mine, but IT'S TOO DANG HOT to do anything right now! So I looked through some pics from last summer, and I thought I'd share.

We took a trip with Jerilyn's family to Nags Head, NC. It was a nice trip. I really enjoyed the area, sans all the millions of people from New York and New Jersey that were down there that week. I rented a surf board, and tried my hand at that, although the waves just weren't right (or at least that's what I like to tell myself.)

I went on a
wreckfishing trip with Jerilyn's uncle Hossein, her cousin Steven and Chris. We had a blast, but in this picture Chris wasn't looking so good. I think we brought back about 5 times the fish we could eat, but Matt (Jerilyn's other cousin) graciously took it to his place in Virginia Beach...I know it was hard!

We took a trip one day down to
Cape Hatteras to see the famous lighthouse. That was well worth it, even though the 268 steps up to the top of the lighthouse were a bit gruelling! The view was really cool, and it's one of those things you're glad you did at the end of the day!

We also drove up to check out
Williamsburg, VA. I think everyone had been there except for me. It's really cool to see some of these old buildings that have been there since the early 1700's. I admit, even I enjoy a little history lesson every now and then. I would definitely recommend visiting this place at some point in your life. It's a little pricey, but we all need to understand how our country got to the place we're at, and what it took to get there.
That's a cool picture with the fence!
Dear Sir,
I am a representative of the local state chapter of PETA in NC and it is a great discouragement to see that all our years of working to stop the violence of sport fishing are going to naught because of ignorant oafs like yourself.
Next time you invade our peaceful waters to murder nature's finest creations for your own sport please let me know ahead of time. We would love to meet you face to face...
PETA member
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