Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Katy Trail

This weekend my friend Tyler and I set out on the Katy Trail.  The Katy is a rail trail that traverses 220 miles of missouri, most of which follow the Missouri River.  We didn't ride the entire trail due to time constraints, but we did manage to pack in almost 160 miles in 2 days.  Our starting point was Boonville, MO which is slightly west of Columbia, and our ending point was St. Charles, MO.  This is our big training ride for the Allegheny Trail and C&O towpath we plan to ride in August.

**Update - I just added my little bro's blog on the right hand column, be sure to check it out.  Or go to he's usually got some cool stuff and also some good music.  Sorry it took me so long to add you Nate!  OH..I would also like to point out that just recently, my blog recieved it's 3000th hit.  So that officially puts me into the category of, "Blogs that Almost Nobody Reads", but I don't care.  Friday is also the 1 year anniversary of my very first post...if you don't remember it, then go back and read it!