Man, I sound like an old guy huh? It's almost midnight and I'm not tired, so you all are going to hear my thoughts right now. I went running this evening in an effort to get back into working out. Last year around this time I started running to prepare myself for the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day. I know, August may be a little early to start preparing for a 5K in the middle of November, but I thought I'd give it a go again this year. Getting back on subject a little, running gives me a chance to ponder things I don't normally think about. Tonight I started thinking about how the summer is almo
st over. It's hard to imagine, considering it's only August 14th, and the high temperature for today was 103
° F , but I start school next Thursday for the fall semester (so technically it is almost over). It just seems like summer started a month ago, and I haven't been able to do everything I wanted to yet.
I really wanted to make a trip to Colorado this summer, so I started thinking of how I could take a couple days off work and make a long weekend trip just to get a hike or two in. My friend Tyler and his wife Annie went a couple weeks ago, and hearing their stories of a hike they did made me feel sick with how bad I would have liked to go. Jerilyn and I went 2 years ago with them for 10 glorious days of hiking, flyfishing, and just enjoying the summer in Colorado. If you have never been..well, you just don't know what you're missing. The pic to the right shows Jerilyn almost to the saddle ridge between Gray's and Torrey's Peaks.
These are my wishes for today, if anyone could grant me one I'd appreciate it.
1. I wish life wouldn't get in the way so much of things you want to do in life. (maybe this one is my fault)
2. I wish Colorado wasn't 12.5 hours away.
3. I wish it wasn't 103
° F every flipping day this week, because I'm sick of being stuck inside.
4. I wish the Cubs would start winning baseball games again. (Maybe Lou Piniella needs to go on another rant and get kicked out of the game, that seemed to help last time.)
I know it might be stupid to wish for things that you have no control over, my time could probably be spent more productively on things that I could actually change...maybe I need to focus on #1 in my list. But writing it sure makes me feel better.
If anyone is interested in going to Colorado soon let me know!
Lets go to Colorado this weekend. Seriously. We were looking for something to do.
No one is stopping you! I'll go right now!
You wont have any more free time when school starts....
This is SOOO wierd but I have stood in the exact same place as your wife, but just a few weeks ago. We camped out there on the mountain and listened to the mountain lions scream all night long. It was freeeeaky!
I want to ask you if you saw any unusual objects in the sky over the mountain?
My friends and I climbed up there because we observed some very wierd lights circling the mountain from my back yard in town. We went up there to camp and see if we could see some more stuff.
Rumor has it that the govt has a secret mountain base there and that experimental craft fly out of hidden hangars in the mountainsides.
So did you see anything out of the ordinary?
I swear this is the truth! I know it sounds crazy, but believe me.
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