I went dove hunting Saturday morning (opening day) with some people from work. The last time I went was some time in high school with another friend from that time in my life, but we didn't go on opening morning. My second experience, needless to say, was much different than the first. The moment 6:18 a.m. rolled around (the time you can start shooting) you would have sworn you were inside an Iraqi war zone (minus the terrorists, but still including a bunch of true americans carrying around big guns.) I know some people say it's "mean" or "insensitive" to go shooting poor defenseless little doves that "never hurt you," but I don't really give a rip! I've never been wounded by a chicken either, and they taste great! Plus, doves lead much better lives up until the point they're killed, so I don't really think anyone whose ever eaten a chicken strip has a valid argument. Besides, I reside at the TOP of the food chain, so I MAKE THE RULES!
Did I mention that doves are an absolute blast to shoot? I counted it, and I think I expended around 62 shells and only killed 11 doves, so I think those "defenseless little doves" have pretty good odds! It's the deer you should be worried about, I have much better accuracy with them (plus I use a much bigger gun!) Man, I can't wait till deer season!