Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Taking a Deep Breath

As of yesterday, I took the final for my Nursing class and wrapped up my 2nd semester of Nursing school.  Whew...I'm half way through.  I don't think I realized how exhausted I had become this semester until this week.  For some reason our mind seems to hide from us our emotions and feelings when we're in a situation where we have to perform to the best of our ability.

Since starting Nuring school, I've become friends with several people in my class.  Never before have I EVER felt that I really needed other people's support to make it through something.  It's not that I couldn't make it on my own, but the support of other people makes life's struggles (school) much more manageable.  A shout out to all my classmates!

Since I don't normally work on Wednesdays, and I didn't have to be at school today, I decided to take the day off.  Man, was it nice!  I got some things done that have been looming for a few months, and also had a few minutes to sit down and relax as well.  It's been a while since I really felt that I NEEDED a day off.  I always WANT a day off, but I think if my classes had gone one more week I would have cracked.


foodierachel said...

I want to see the pho man choo!

Anonymous said...

Yeah bring on the FOO!