Monday, November 12, 2007


Well, it's that time of year again. I'm scheduled to run the annual 5K Turkey Trot on thanksgiving day. Last year was the first year I participated in the event, and it gave me a sense of satisfaction that I was able to work up to a goal.

This year around September I decided that I would make it my goal to work up to running in the Turkey Trot again. I know it sounds silly to "work up" to running a 5K, but I'm not exactly a runner. Where am I going with this??? Tonight I ran 3 miles for the first time since last year this same time. I went out running tonight with the goal of running at least 2 miles, 2 miles turned into 2 and a half, and so forth.

See you at the Turkey Trot!

Wanna run too? You can register online at


foodierachel said...

Way to go!

Ahh, the awesome turkey trot. The only way you can feel "not so guilty" about eating ALL that food on Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Nick is a running machine...I can't do 1 single mile. He truly amazes me...I aspire to be like him one day. Nick is my inspiration...

did I mention he's wicked hot!?

foodierachel said...

But did you actually show up to run? NOOOO!

Nick said...

I didn't see you there either!