Saturday, February 14, 2009

Fun with Photo Booth

Who says babysitting isn't fun?  Anything is fun when you have Photobooth and an uncle as cool as me!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Me and my PS3

As you may know, a few months ago I became the proud owner of a PS3 Metal Gear Solid Edition. In plain English, that means I got the last model that supports PS2 backwards-compatibility. Still lost? It plays PS2 games too. Moving on...

I'm actually glad I got that particular model. I've read things from Sony saying most people don't utilize the backwards compatibility, but MOST people that own a PS3 also own a PS2. I however came from the dark side, so all I have is an dusty Xbox that only works sometimes.

Recently I got a couple games for my Playstation, the first being an older PS2 game that has a large following, Shadow of the Colossus. My brother is addicted to this game and found a copy for me this year for Christmas. I'm going to say this is one of the better games I've played on any console or computer. It's a surprisingly simplistic, easy to follow, and highly addictive RPG. I'm normally not a RPG fan, but this is a rare exception. Bottom line, if you've never played this game then you definitely should!

Tonight I started another game, Call of Duty: World at War. This is a continuing series of a very popular FPS. I played one of them a few years ago, but I never played past the first level. I played through around 4 levels tonight and I was highly impressed with the gameplay. It seemed like a good balance of action and strategy. Again, a game I would recommend to anyone looking for a good FPS. The best part of this game is it's the ONLY PS3 game that supports 4 person co-op play (that I know of at least).

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Taking a Deep Breath

As of yesterday, I took the final for my Nursing class and wrapped up my 2nd semester of Nursing school.  Whew...I'm half way through.  I don't think I realized how exhausted I had become this semester until this week.  For some reason our mind seems to hide from us our emotions and feelings when we're in a situation where we have to perform to the best of our ability.

Since starting Nuring school, I've become friends with several people in my class.  Never before have I EVER felt that I really needed other people's support to make it through something.  It's not that I couldn't make it on my own, but the support of other people makes life's struggles (school) much more manageable.  A shout out to all my classmates!

Since I don't normally work on Wednesdays, and I didn't have to be at school today, I decided to take the day off.  Man, was it nice!  I got some things done that have been looming for a few months, and also had a few minutes to sit down and relax as well.  It's been a while since I really felt that I NEEDED a day off.  I always WANT a day off, but I think if my classes had gone one more week I would have cracked.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Smokin' it up

When we bought our house, the people before left us a smoker out in the back yard, but until recently I hadn't used it. I suppose the reason I hadn't used it was because I was scared for some reason. Scared of failure I guess.

As you may have read on my sister's blog, we split half a cow last month and I had some beef short ribs that were screaming my name. So I looked up a recipe online and away I went. Did I mention I did all this while Jerilyn was out of town so I could have them all to myself?

The verdict: pretty tasty, I smoked them for 2 1/2 hours and then transfered them to the crockpot slathered in barbecue sause to finish them off and render some of the fat off of them. As you can see, I smoked 4 slabs and 2 of them were really good, while the other two were still tasty, but there was really too much fat on them to be worth it. I still have a package or two in the freezer, so I'll probably be doing these again.