As you may know, a few months ago I became the proud owner of a PS3 Metal Gear Solid Edition. In plain English, that means I got the last model that supports PS2 backwards-compatibility. Still lost? It plays PS2 games too. Moving on...
I'm actually glad I got that particular model. I've read things from Sony saying most people don't utilize the backwards compatibility, but MOST people that own a PS3 also own a PS2. I

however came from the dark side, so all I have is an dusty Xbox that only works sometimes.
Recently I got a couple games for my Playstation, the first being an older PS2 game that has a large following, Shadow of the Colossus. My brother is addicted to this game and found a copy for me this year for Christmas. I'm going to say this is one of the better games I've played on any console or computer. It's a surprisingly simplistic, easy to follow, and highly addictive RPG. I'm normally not a RPG fan, but this is a rare exception. Bottom line, if you've never played this game then you definitely should!

Tonight I started another game, Call of Duty: World at War. This is a continuing series of a very popular FPS. I played one of them a few years ago, but I never played past the first level. I played through around 4 levels tonight and I was highly impressed with the gameplay. It seemed like a good balance of action and strategy. Again, a game I would recommend to anyone looking for a good FPS. The best part of this game is it's the ONLY PS3 game that supports 4 person co-op play (that I know of at least).